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How It All Started

Back in November, 2017, I organized my very first photoshoot fundraiser for the C family, who plans to go on a long term mission in Spain this summer. And this is really how Art Joyfully Photography came to be. It all began with a simple idea, a passion and through a fundraiser. Over a course of two days, 9 mini-sessions took place! Everything went as smoothly as can be! Praise God!

Fast forward three months to the present, we continue to pray for this dear family as it is no small task moving the whole family to a foreign country, when only the husband is fluent in Spanish! Bless their hearts. Their commitment and devotion towards the LORD inspire me. My main goal for this new year is to step out of my comfort zone and seize the opportunities that God bring before me so I can grow and bless others. I look forward to capturing many more special memories for other families with my camera.

Contact me if you would like to find out more about their mission to Spain and I will be very happy to put you in touch with them!

Manassas Battlefield Park, VA
Manassas Battlefield Park, VA

Manassas Battlefield Park, VA

Manassas Battlefield Park, VA

Manassas Battlefield Park, VA

Manassas Battlefield Park, VA

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