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Newborn Photography PART 3 of 3: What to Expect

What can you expect in a newborn session? In this post I will only focus on in-home sessions since that is what I offer here at Art Joyfully Photography.

How long does a newborn session take?

The majority of newborn sessions take 3 hours. That is factoring in frequent breaks in-between for feeding, burping and changing. Yet again, babies are unpredictable and you do not want to rush through a session. It is better to take a little extra time to meet your baby's needs before moving on. So be prepared for at least 3 hours and don't stress out if it takes longer than expected.

Get your home ready:

Keep the room at least 80°F. Babies like it cozy and warm just like inside the mother's womb. So you will want to have everyone dress accordingly, preferably in layers.

Do I need to spend several hours cleaning my house for this? You ask. Oh...let's keep it real. Not everyone can keep the house spot clean all. the. time. That is a lot of work. Besides, there is already a million of things on your to do list. I do not want to add too much to your stress. However, it can be helpful to at least generally clear away larger clutter in the open area where your photographer can set up for posed photos, and the special space where you would like the group photos to happen.

Understand the general workflow:

Every photographer has his or her own workflow. I usually aim to set up my backdrop first to get the sleepy posed shots. Then I will move on to do group photos around the house during the second half of the session. I would definitely encourage you to find out in advance what your photographer's workflow looks like.

What if my baby pees or poos with no diaper on during the shoot?

It is normal! In fact, I expect it to happen. That is also why most of my props are 100% washable. And I will always put down a base layer under to protect your furnitures or carpet.

Should I provide special outfits for my baby to wear?

It is really up to you. Make sure you first check out your photographer's work to see what colors of wraps, outfits or accessories he or she uses. Personally, I like to keep it simple. Neutral and earthy tones are my favorite base colors. But I encourage my clients to set out what they might like to use and I will try my best to incorporate them into the images.

Here you go, I hope some of you find this three part blog series on newborn photography helpful. Lastly, be sure to ask lots of questions before your session. I, just like many other photographers, will want you to come away with the best experience and images you love. In order to make that happen, communication is the key! More questions? I will love to answer them, just send me a note via Contact Me or drop me an email!

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