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Celebrating Our 12 Years Together

Recently, we celebrated our 12th anniversary. We spent a relaxing afternoon at the Bull Run Winery, where we enjoyed some family friendly live music, wine tasting and even learned a little bit of history about the place during the Civil War. My daughter was especially interested in the Civil War bullets that they found on the property. She was excited to be able to buy one with her own money.


Next, we decided to take a short hike in the Manassas Battlefield Park. Of course, the kids ran ahead and left my husband and I walking slowly behind. It was still a little chilly even though the sun was out. In all, I honestly think no fancy meal, expensive gifts or flowers could make this day better or more perfect. In the past, we would arrange for a sitter to come so we could go out for a special date. This year, we just went with the flow and focused on being together as a family. These simple joys of life, like taking a walk together, are blessings that I sometimes failed to enjoy or treasure, especially when life gets busy and hectic. I was very grateful to spend this special day together like this, with the love of my life and my kids.

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