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Baby Myra

I got to spend a beautiful morning with baby Myra and her family. She has a three year old big sister who is very fond and protective of her. At the beginning of the session, her sister was a bit uneasy about seeing someone else other than her parents holding the baby. "I want my baby back!" she said repeatedly. After much reassurance from the parents, I was able to gain her trust and invite her to be in the photos with the baby. She was thrilled to be able to hold her baby sister and gave me the sweetest smiles for the camera.

Since Myra's parents come from India, I asked if I could photograph the baby with an Indian bindis forehead sticker and one of the mother's traditional dresses. I chose a hot pink colored bindis sticker to go with the wrap, and we decided on a bright blue dress to compliment the baby's delicate and fair skin.

Lastly, the grandmother, who came all the way from India to help out with the newborn, was also part of this special day. Her eyes were filled with joy when she held Myra in her arms. But she didn't forget to remind the big sister of her love for her with a kiss on the head. I was so glad to be able to capture subtle yet meaningful moments like these!

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