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Top 10 Tips to Rock Your Next Family Photos

You have done your research and decided on a photographer you love. But you are only half way to making the beautiful family photos happen! Now here the 10 tips to help you rock your family photo session.


1) Plan what to wear well in advance.

This seemingly easy task can actually cause a lot of stress if you wait until the last minute to accomplish. Pick out what you are going to wear and have everyone actually try them on to make sure they feel comfortable. Especially for young kids, they don't so much care how adorable they look but how they feel in the outfits. Cute and fun accessories are easy ways to add a quick pop of colors without sacrificing comfort. Oh...and don't forget the comfy shoes!

2) Consider the weather.

Dress in layers so you can easily add or subtract as needed. In addition, some good-to-have items are portable fans for the hot spring/summer days; whereas for the chilly fall/winter days, hand warmers, hats and mittens can be life savers.

3) Take time to fill out the Get-to-Know-You questionnaire.

Nothing is more helpful for me as the photographer to learn a little bit about each family member before the shoot. Especially the kids. I want to be ready to engage with them and help them feel comfortable by focusing on what they know and familiar with based on what you shared in the questionnaire, such as their personality, favorite sport, food or book to read, etc.

4) Communicate your vision for your family photos to your photographer ahead of time.

In the same pre-session questionnaire, I make sure to also ask about the client's vision for the session. Is there anything special they want me to capture in photos? What are the must-have group combinations? If your photographer doesn't some kind of pre session consultation or questionnaire, I encourage you to take initiative and communicate your thoughts to your photographer. After all, the photos are for you and your family.

sibling group hug

5) Trust your photographer.

Every photographer has his or her own style and workflow. Once you are able to communicate the most important things you would like the photographer to capture during the session, you should just relax and enjoy the session and let the photographer take charge. There are many variables to how the session can go. The weather alone can be so unpredictable. But don't feel nervous! That is why you are hiring someone with experience and knowledge for the job, right?!

6) Let kids be kids. Be open and flexible.

Kids will be kids. As a mom of 2, I have seen my fair share of meltdowns. It happens. A. Lot. It makes it so much more important for the parents not to stress out or panic when it happens. The kids will turn around eventually as long as we give them some love, time and space.

Or maybe the kids feel extra silly and playful. But unfortunately they couldn't stay still and fail to listen to the directions. Now what?! I encourage the parents or siblings to roll with it, play along and engage with them the way they feel connected and understood. Have fun together!

7) Plan rewards for the little ones.

Keep the overall experience positive for the little ones is the key. Plan something for them to look forward to at the end of the session as to keep them excited about the shoot and stay motivated. Again, you have to keep in mind, they probably don't care how great the family photos come out. So you have to divert their attention to something else more exciting and rewarding!

8) Plan rest time and feed the young ones before the shoot.

Avoid overschedule the day with activities and feed the kids before you leave the house. If for some reason the kids feel already burned out or hungry before the session due to prior activities during the day, you can almost always expect disaster during the session. Even if they don't act out, trust me, those tired and hungry faces will show in the photos! So plan wisely!

9) Timing is crucial for beautiful light and you don't want to miss it.

For an outdoor family shoot, it is typically scheduled two hours before sunset. Why? Because on a sunny day that is when the light most soft and beautiful for photos! Or commonly known as the "Golden Hours." As the sun is setting to the west, the intensity of the light decreases and turns golden color, which allows the camera to capture both the subject and background in balanced exposure and gorgeous light. However, if you miss the time window, there is really nothing you can do about it. So plan to arrive early!

10) Treat your outdoor allergy ahead of time

Many of us suffer seasonal allergies and know how miserable it can be. Unfortunately, once the symptoms start, it takes a while for the medicine to work. So be sure to administer your preferred allergy medicine or eye drops at least an hour prior to the shoot.

family portrait at Meadowlark Botanical Gardens

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