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5 Reasons Why Cloudy Days are Great for Outdoor Photos

Are you worried that the weather might be too cloudy for your family photos? Do you know that cloudy days are preferred weather for some photographers? And I am one of them!

As a natural light photographer, I am always on the lookout for beautiful light but have to work with all different kinds of lighting conditions. Surprisingly, I have grown to enjoy shooting in cloudy weather. Here are 5 reasons why:

5 reasons why cloudy days are great for photos

1. Clouds work like a big softbox that diffuses the light

Clouds diffuse and soften the light that comes directly from the sun. The worse kind of light that make most photographers cringe is full sun. It is not only too harsh but also creates unflattering shadows on the subject, just not ideal for portraits. Clouds let only a portion of light through, which softens the brightness and intensity of the light.

2. Clouds even out the light

Unless I try to create strong, bold and dramatic images, I always position my subjects in a place where there is even lighting to avoid unwanted and distracting shadows. With clouds in the sky, I don't have to rely on shade to find my even lighting.

3. Clouds add interesting elements to the background

Clouds add dimension to your image. It fills the far away background with interesting shapes and colors that naturally compliment your subject. In photography world, you may hear people talk about or use the term "depth of field" often. The farther the background is, the more blurry and muted. So in an image, if I can show more elements around my subject and suggest the distance between them, the image is more dimensional and less flat. Clouds are probably the farthest natural elements one can use to add an extra dimension an image!

cloudy day at beach

4. Clouds help enhance the colors

Most people may think that there isn't enough light on a cloudy to create a bright and colorful images. It is just not true. In fact, because everything is more likely to be evenly lit on a cloudy day, the camera is able to capture more details in an image overall. In post processing, it is easy to brighten up the image by increasing the exposure without loosing color details.

5. No squinting or closed eyes

Clouds can eliminate squinting or closed eyes! The diffused light that come through the clouds is easier on the human eyes. You can therefore feel free to place your subject directly facing the light source without squinting or closing the eyes.

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